Sunday, May 06, 2007

My Ninety-sixth Post

So It seems I have forgotten how to blog, neh? Well, never fear, I shall overcome this temporary weekness!

Except... I can never think of anything fun to blog about lately. I wrote this up about a week ago, but I had changed my mind about posting it. Since I am now at a loss for things to blog about, I’ll use it anyway. It will be very exciting, but first you will need to know...

The Cast of Characters (or, a brief description of family members that may or may not play an essential role in my vacation):
  • Mean Mommy: My eldest sister. Pfft. This title is of her own choosing, and it does not reflect my opinions about her parenting skills. Married to Bil (my Brother-In-Law… get it?) with three children, Princess (4 yrs), Little Boy (2 yrs), and Sweetheart (6 mo).
  • Menace: Formerly Menace to Society, but since he got married last year, he is now just a Menace to me. Married to Sil. Since none of you know them, I feel no guilt in revealing the fact that they are expecting their own little bundle of joy in about, oh… eight months or so.
  • Martin: At one time referred to as Sundevil, the Sundevil Apostate, or the Sundevil Who Refused to Come to BYU For Some Reason that None of Us Can Understand. She has since graduated from college and so instead, she will be referred to as Martin.
  • Faybe: I gave my little sister this title when we were kids, and it has lasted throughout the years. Faybe is actually her superhero alter ego. (I believe my superhero name was the Super-Duper Waker-Upper… my power was being able to wake up small children in time to catch the bus to school. Not nearly as cool as Faybe.)
  • Char: Char is one of my little brothers, and he and I are buds. Best known for naming our cat after himself.
  • Runner: My youngest brother, so titled because he likes to run. A lot.

Aaaand... now I don't feel like telling you about my awesome itenerary for the last week of May. I guess you'll just have to check back later.


Martin said...

I would explain my reasons for not going to BYU, but seeing as how this blog will be read mostly by BYU students, I will not take that risk.

Heather said...

Was your Menace the one that asked that Board question?

Heather said...

Now I can refer to all your family members by names that I might remember. Keep writing about them and I will. Instead of just "is that sister #1, 2, or the one I weirdly know?" You also ought to write about your brothers, because I don't ever even remember how many of those you have. Forget about names.

Mean Mommy said...

Meanness doesn't necessarily reflect my parenting skills so much as my parental philosophy. Not that it's entirely self titled. Ask Princess.