Wednesday, May 30, 2007

My One-hundred-and-seventh Post

Okay, I’ve spent forever creating the most awesome post about my trip this last weekend, but it’s mostly all pictures and quotes, which I doubt any of you would find nearly as funny. Anyway, I guess it’ll all just have to stay on my family’s blog. I will, however grant you a token picture of a bag of M&Ms. Originally, the picture was of Faybe and I making funny faces. We later noticed that Faybe’s massive bag of M&Ms was in the background. I cropped it, but I still think it’s funny that she buckled them in.

Also, I’ve been wearing a sparkly ring on my left ring finger since about last Thursday. My little sister gave it to me. I’m a bit disappointed that nobody really noticed it, though. Actually, Sil saw it during our family dinner last Sunday. But she mostly just raised an eyebrow and asked me if I had anything to share.

1 comment:

Mean Mommy said...

Only Sil? I thought I said something...I remember seeing it, anyway.