Sunday, May 27, 2007

My One-hundred-and-sixth Post

It’s 4am right now, and I just got back from a very long road trip. Faybe and I were in the back seat, ignoring all pretenses of personal space as we sprawled all over each other in an attempt to be comfortable. Martin sat in the middle seat throwing up for the last five hours of the trip. (That’s right, Martin, I wrote about that on my blog.) Sweetheart was also in the middle seat, but she pretty much slept most of the time (thankfully). Occasionally, she would wake up and start to fuss a little bit, but I just had to reach over into her car seat and adjust her blanket, and she would calm right down.

Sometimes when you find yourself in the dark, and you think you’re all alone, it’s nice to have somebody reach out a hand and reassure you that it’s all going to be all right; you’re not alone.

More later, but now it's time to sleep.

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