Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My One-hundred-and-fifth Post

Once upon a time, during my freshman year, I found myself alone in my room. So I locked the door, turned on some really loud music, and started dancing.

We didn’t really lock our bedroom doors ever, so when one of my roommates gave a quick knock and started to open the door, she was quite surprised to find it locked. I quickly composed myself, turned the music down, and unlocked the door.

She found my behavior a little suspicious, I guess, so she asked me what I had been doing.

Me: “Erm… I was… dancing.”
BonBon: “Really? You were dancing? Why did you have the door locked?”
Me: “Um… because?”

So she turned the music back up, opened the door really wide, and we proceeded to “rock out.”

I’m really gonna miss that girl when she leaves on her mission next month.


Rachel Helps said...

hahaha... we should have a dance party.

ahem. said...

Oh no.

No, no, no.

There is a reason I was dancing behind a locked a door, and that reason is that I suck at it. So no dance parties for me unless you get me in a reeeally silly mood.