Monday, May 07, 2007

My Ninety-seventh Post

Miss Uffish Thought was kind enough to loan me Miss Manner's Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior, which I have spent a large portion of my day reading. I don't think I'm really going to change any of my behavior, but it has made me feel guiltier about licking the cream cheese off of my fingers after devouring a slice of warm banana nut bread... WITHOUT A FORK AND KNIFE! *gasp!*


Krista said...

Psh, you make it seem like all of her advice is musty old eating rules. They're fun to read, of course, but it's the behavior and human interaction bits that are actually really applicable to everyday life. I was going to say to read that instead, but then I realized I really love reading about the food and the hats and so and and so forth, too.

Are you at least laughing every now and again? I think those books are wicked funny, and pretty sensible too, most of the time.


Heather said...

I wish I had my old huge book which told me how to properly set a table and what necklines I should wear. Really, I do. I lost it.