Tuesday, April 06, 2010

My legacy?

Googling my name is way less awesome than it used to be. There used to be a clunky little webpage for a book club I was in. There used to be a passing reference to me in my school district's newsletter describing me as an AP scholar with distinction. There used to be a list titled "People I fre@kin Love" on the personal website of an old friend; I was one of those fre@kin people. Now all of those things have disappeared.

Also, my name used to be mine. Now there is some new chick with my name popping up everywhere. She must have gotten married recently, 'cause she didn't exist before. Now she's all the sudden #1! I've been me my whole life, but she gets the first result! With her MySpace of all things! (Outrage!)

There are only four actual references to me anymore. One is my Facebook profile, two are comments I've made about the 100 Hour Board, and one is a credit for a short film project I "acted" in. That is apparently all the Internet knows about me.

I am unlikely to go around posting things under my full name just to change this, though. I should feel lucky for what I do have. Most people don't have a name uncommon enough to google themselves anyway.

I guess I am resigned.

But still.



bonbon said...

Maybe you should consider changing your name to Holly Camel-on-skis. I'm sure no one has that name. Also googling your name lost all the fun so long ago.

Strawboat said...

I never get me when I google myself D: Lucky.

Ruth said...

I'm outraged for you. How dare somebody else steal your name. And your #1 spot!!! Also sorry that you have lost the things that used to be there. I, too, like googleing my name. And I only share with one person who, when she got married, added another last name, so pretty much it's just me now. Which is why I feel the pain of the usurper. I would not be happy if that happened to me.