Thursday, April 08, 2010

Conversations Among Sisters.

So I'm thinking about trying to possibly get around to maybe looking for a job now that I'm officially settled in. As part of this, I've been working on my résumé.

Yesterday I asked my eldest sister, Mean Mommy, to look over portions of it and give me some advice. Apparently she and Martin were chatting at the same time because...

Martin: Why are you having [Mean Mommy] help with your résumé?
What, my expertise isn't good enough for you?
Me: Nope.
What kind of jobs have you ever gotten with your résumé?
She was clearly the better choice here
Martin: What?
I have a job!
She didn't need her resume for having kids!
Me: :)

I continued my chat with Mean Mommy in the other window...

Me: Martin says having kids isn't a job
And requires no skill
Mean Mommy: :|
Me: I know! I'm so glad I didn't ask her to help.
Mean Mommy: Yeah. She has a crappy 'government' job. Who wants that?

I can only imagine the conversation held between them after that, but soon enough...
Martin: Tattling on me?
Me: I thought [Mean Mommy] should know what you really think of her.
Martin: I just said she didn't need a resume.
Not that having kids wasn't a job.
Which it isn't.
me: !

Anyway. Apparently I like sewing seeds of discord.

And also posting private conversations without getting permission first.

Or asking forgiveness after, for that matter.


Martin said...

Yep. That's your role in our family. Causing trouble. Speaking of which, when are we planning that Hawaii trip that we aren't inviting the other two to?

Also, I resent you making me help you determine the word "discord" for this post. Don't think I don't remember that!

Strawboat said...

sowing seeds of dissent is one of my favorite hobbies. Gives life a nice spectrum. I guess it shouldn't be one of my favorites though...

Mean Mommy said...
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Mean Mommy said...

(Sorry...apparently I used HTML tags to denote changed names the first time...)

The other conversation, just for Funsies (edited to change names and remove side notes from another conversation):

me: We're helping [You] with her resume right now.

Martin: ... Also, she didn't ask me for help with her resume.
What's that about?

me: Well, I think maybe she doesn't want a crappy government job like you got, obviously.
I worked for the newspaper. Way cooler.
It is too a job. And requires lots of skill.
You try dealing with underlings who are constantly trying to undermine you.

Martin: What?
I said you didn't need your resume for it.
Not that having kids isn't a job

me: "You: [Martin] says having kids isn't a job
and requires no skill"

Martin: Also, weren't you like an admin at the newspaper?

me: Yes. Yes, I was.

Martin: I'm pretty sure I would have treated you like an admin.

me: :|
I'm pretty sure I would have constantly worked to undermine you.

Martin: Yeah. But I would know I was superior. So I wouldn't mind.

me: Right.
Until I sabotaged your spreadsheets and password locked you out.

Martin: I'm not your old boss. I can figure out those.

me: Also, I only took the job because it was more accounting than admining. When the new guy came in and wanted me to be all admin...I was really glad I was quitting.

Martin: :)
I'm just giving you a hard time.

me: I know.
Stupid [new guy] gave me a complex.

bonbon said...

HAHAHAHA! This is hilarious. I love sister battles.