Wednesday, February 07, 2007

My Seventy-third Post

I know what nostalgia is. This isn’t it.

Nostalgia is when I listen to a certain song and I am suddenly transported back to the brief period of time my family lived in an apartment when I was nine years old. I can hear the weird rhythmic clicking sound that my beat up neon green tape deck would make as I drifted off to sleep listening to the Newsies soundtrack.

Or when I am listening to David Cassidy & The Partridge Family, and I am suddenly on the bus on my way home from marching band camp. I can distinctly remember the aching of my feet and the faint smell of gasoline that permeated the back of that bus.

This makes sense to me. I hear something that I closely relate to an event from the past, bringing these almost forgotten memories to the foreground of my mind. But just now, I experienced this feeling, except that there was nothing from the past I was connecting to. I remember having similar feelings when I first heard this song a couple of weeks ago. It’s a feeling of nostalgia, but I have no idea what I’m nostalgic for. This has happened once or twice before with different songs. I just can’t seem to put the pieces together and find the bigger picture. I have no idea how to better describe it.


BJ Homer said...

I have that same feeling fairly often. Someone needs to invent a name for it.

Mean Mommy said...

It's the premortal existence. You know, when I wrote that song for you? It's total plagiarism.