Sunday, February 04, 2007

My Seventy-first Post

Oatmeal and I are now friends. We were strained acquaintances for a while, but we’ve recently sat down and worked out our differences. I’ve agreed to pay more attention to it—not just calling it up randomly whenever I want to make cookies. It has agreed to taste good and maintain a palatable texture.

Welcome to my life, oatmeal. I hope we will stay on good terms for a long time to come.


Martin said...

I have been considering introducing oatmeal to my life as well. But mostly, just so I can make those cookies. By the way, could you email me that recipe?

ahem. said...

Phoebe's cookies? Sure, okay.

Also, you should try raspberry bars. They're like oatmeal cookies with raspberry jam. Sort of. Quite tasty. I'll send you that recipe too.