Tuesday, February 20, 2007

My Seventy-seventh Post

I have started writing several blog entries that I know I'm never going to finish, because organizing my thouhgts about some issues and events is just too hard. Instead, I'll list a few excerpts:

I believe that I should have high standards based on my personal interpretations and belief system… but I don’t think I have a right to apply those standards to anyone else. Now the problem arises when we look at the issue of universal societal standards. There are some things that are just plain wrong.

I have a great fear of my existence—especially when you add in an eternal perspective. For some reason I have eternity pictured as a very intricate video game that just never ends. And though it may be fun and challenging and engaging, it never ends. There’s no moment when you can sit back and say “I did it! I’m done!” And it’s really distressing me right now. Curse my linear brain!

I have a secret. I love hosting. I love presentation. I just seldom have the friends or the money to experiment with.

Okay. Um. That's it for now.


Heather said...

I was just having a conversation with someone about my standards and how I apply them to myself, but I try not to judge other people by them...

I hope you get a chance to expand on your thoughts. =)

Mean Mommy said...

I sometimes get the infinite line brain melt.