Wednesday, January 17, 2007

My Sixty-third Post

A sample of free-writing I scrawled out during my class today. If only I can live up to the ideals expressed within:

If I am dissatisfied with my life, it’s because I am not living it to its full potential. If there are things I want for my future, I have to start living in such a way that I can achieve them. I can’t expect to get what I want and then start living worthily of it. I have to change now. I have to live in such a way that I do not become an obstacle to my own goals and desires. I can’t imagine some of the things I am doing today being a part of my ideal future life. I need to eliminate those things and replace them with habits that will help me to be worthy of my desires. I must listen to the people around me who are trying to impart their wisdom to me. They can give me hints to the secret of life, and if I listen to them, it will be to my benefit. Life will be what I choose it to be. I will choose to be good and love those around me. I make choices everyday. I won’t indulge in those feelings and thoughts that make me dissatisfied. I will choose hope. I will choose happiness. When unexpected things happen, I will choose to make them a part of my plan to achieve happiness. This is where wisdom truly lies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brilliance....if only we could ALL live up to that.