Thursday, February 02, 2006

My Third Post

I was stupid last night. I stayed up until 3am talking to my roommates for no good reason (other than not wanting to go to sleep). I knew I had to work this morning, so I set my alarm and finally went to sleep. I woke up ten minutes after I was supposed to be at work! I may have set the alarm, but I didn’t actually turn it on! I jumped out of bed, and threw off my clothes while digging in my closet for my black pants and some socks. I barely even had a shirt on as I ran out the front door. What a way to start a busy day. Now I need to write two essays based on a lot of reading that I never actually did. Let’s hope I can BS it a little without it becoming obvious. I really have a lot of work to do, so I’d better get to it.

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