Thursday, February 23, 2006

My Tenth Post

Thursdays are usually good days, except for one thing: they are almost without exception followed by Fridays. Fridays suck. I know some people enjoy them, because it means only one more day until the weekend. I loath them. They make my week miserable. They're like the Trojan horse in my week. They arrive each week shining with the promise of a relaxing weekend, and then, out of no where, all these problems surface which eat away at my weekend until there is nothing left! And the worst part is, I never learn! Every week I let myself believe that I just have to make it until Friday, and then I'm home free. And every week, Friday finds another way to catch me off guard, knock me over, and kick me while I'm down. Every week! You'd think I'd be ready for it, but I never seem to expect it. And that is why Fridays suck.

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