Thursday, April 05, 2007

My Ninety-first Post

Sometimes people do things because they like you and don't want to hurt your feelings. You shouldn't get offended. They do these things because they like you. That's something to celebrate.

Also, sometimes cleaning really can act as a stress reliever.


So I IMed my sister the other day, and when she didn't respond, I wandered away from my computer. When I came back, I found the following message, apparently sent by my 4-year-old niece, Princess:

* hi eT ES [pRINCESS]
* DO
* you want me to sho you sam beg nambs
* 100 788966775 452909 446464 67677 67778 56661 9687 796887 69687 646 56657476566b6767 556675475 575 2358385476 44646546 576 587r6 5575700 4646 23566767 46511 778800444 68687 646465 46e64 664658 6575 664655 5764657574 475
* do you want me to caont to
* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Isn't that amazing? She's FOUR! She's not even supposed to be able to read yet, much less type some-what coherent messages to her aunt about big numbers. Her spelling is definitely non-standard, but if I know the general context of what she's saying, I can definitely understand. For example, from a grocery list:

tarteas = tortillas
joses = juices
aegs = eggs
ches = cheese
apl-sos = apple sauce

Isn't that cool? I have the smartest niece in the whole world. And she's cute too.


Ben said...

Note that she knows hexadecimal: "56657476566b6767" and remainders: "587r6". Hate to say it, but she might be smarter than all of us.

Heather said...

She is really, really cute. And I can appreciate the cueness in a child that is not even a little bit related to me. Take THAT, Ahem.

Mean Mommy said...

My children are all geniuses. I take all the credit and make no apologies to anyone.