Sunday, June 27, 2010

Doing Stuff #4

I finally got around to painting my room today. I bought the paint shortly after I moved to Arizona, but I never had the motivation to get it done until today. I dragged Martin upstairs to entertain me while I worked.

It was a long project. We ended up watching Peggy Sue Got Married, an episode or two of Psych, Annie Get Your Gun, and Newsies. Martin only got moderately annoyed with me when I started to not only sing along, but also to quote the characters' lines before they got to them.

Please don't be duped into thinking Martin helped at all. She mostly lounged in my bed and mocked me while I toiled away.

As punishment for this, I am posting pictures of her. I would have just posted the one to demonstrate how unhelpful she was, but this is the best picture of the finished project, so it is getting posted too.

For the most part, I like the way it turned out. (Except a teeny-tiny part of me that is convinced it I chose a horrible, terrible, awful shade of blue. But it is a small part.)

Once I get some stuff on the walls, it will tame down the sheer blue-ness of the room. Because right now, even if it is a good color, it's really blue. When my bed is unmade, the blue sheets do not help. Maybe this will be good motivation for me to keep my bed made.

But, realistically... probably not. :)


This concludes my posts about doing stuff. I hope you have enjoyed them. Tune in next week (or month...?) for more exciting adventures! Same blog time, same blog channel!


Strawboat said...

:D So cool! :D and I like the shade of blue! And the baby shower reminded me of catering!

Martin said...

Those pictures are misleading. Holly posed with the paint roller. I did almost all the work. I'm a selfless sister.

Mean Mommy said...

Blue is awesome. That is all.