Saturday, June 05, 2010

We've Got Cabin Fever!

So my mom and I have been staying with my grandparents for a week now. My mom tends to get a little stir crazy when she stays with her parents, often dragging me with her so she can get out and DO something. So I wasn't especially surprised to hear her yesterday, making dinner plans with someone on the phone. I assumed it was with some old acquaintance still living in the area.

And in a way, I was right.

Me: Hot date?

Mom: Yep.

Me: Oh yeah? Who with?

Mom: Steve.

Me: ...Steve?

Mom: Yeah, Steve [Last name].

Me: ...The guy you were engaged to before you married Daddy?

Mom: Yep, that's the one.

Me: And... you're having dinner with him?

Mom: Yeah.

Me: ...

Mom: What? His wife will be there.

Me: Okay, that's even weirder.


Mean Mommy said...

Hehe. Yeah, she saw him several times the last time she was up there. Told me all about it.

bonbon said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! That is awesome. Also awesome that you still refer to your dad as "daddy". Also, I noticed you only blogged once in May and you blogged 10 times in April. Get back in the saddle.

Jenn said...

LOL! Is is strange that I don't find that strange? My hubby and I are both friends with most of our exes, and socialize with several of them often. *shrug*