Saturday, December 02, 2006

My Forty-fifth Post

So, blogging. That's cool.

I haven't done it in a long time. This is mostly because blogging requires me to (a) have something interesting to say, and (b) be motivated to write about it.

I have decided to read the Book of Mormon this month. I haven't read the whole thing all the way through since high school. In fact, that's the only time I've read the whole thing from start to finish. If I figured right, I have to read 17 pages a day to finish on New Year's Eve.

You know, I was thinking about not going home for Christmas this year. I mean, I just went home for Thanksgiving, and I know I could pick up some easy cash if I stayed around and worked over Christmas. So I was seriously considering not going home. Then I got this email:

Okay kiddo! I need to know dates as soon as possible so I can try and get you airfare home for Christmas. Yeah!!!!! I didn't get to see enough of you at Thanksgiving to really help me get over missing you. I love you a whole bunch - Did you know that?


How can I tell her I'm not coming home after that? Plus, she's willing to pay for my flights... so, it looks like I'm going home.

Also, I've decided that I'm not a bad person just because I've never played Scrabble.

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