Tuesday, December 12, 2006

My Fifty-second Post

Do you ever get things stuck in your head, and you don’t know what they are or where they came from? This happens to me a lot with numbers. Like just now, as I was brushing my teeth, this random string of digits came into my head, and I simply couldn’t figure out why they were so familiar to me. I finally realized that it was the phone number to my dad’s office (which I probably haven’t dialed in over four years).

It’s not always numbers, though. A few nights ago as I was trying to fall asleep I got the word “phenobarbital” stuck in my head. Do you know what that is? Because I sure don’t. A quick trip to the dictionary tells us that it is an anticonvulsant drug. Why on earth this word would get stuck in my head is beyond me. It only just came to me where I’d heard that word: it was from an episode of Grey’s Anatomy two seasons ago.


1 comment:

bonbon said...

do you know what words always get stuck in my head? Bulbous, Bouffant, blubber, macademia