Monday, October 20, 2008

My One-hundred-and-seventy-first Post

Boring story to follow. My apologies.

As of last Thursday, my apartment has been without hot water. We emailed our managers Friday, but we didn't hear anything from them right away. So we suffered through Friday, Saturday, and Sunday with very cold water. It's been rather annoying and inconvenient. I ended up boiling water to do the dishes. Also, cold showers are not all they are cracked up to be. The main thing is that they're cold. Wowie. Cold, cold, cold!

Well, Sunday, we dragged our home teachers over to look at the water heater. I didn't really think there was anything they could do, but at least we would feel like something was happening to fix it. They determined that the pilot light was out, and they relit it. Sure enough, we started to get some hot water again. Yay!

But, about an hour later, our manager finally came by and looked at it. Turns out, the pilot light had gone out again and there was definitely something wrong with the hot water heater. He said they'd have to get someone to come look at it. Bah!

I'm a little worried now because the guy just came to fix it, and after taking one look at it, he said, "Oh-ho-ho. This is ugly. This is ugly! This is ugly."

Not a good sign when it comes between me and a hot shower. Not a good sign at all. I'll keep you updated.

1 comment:

Michael said...

I'm sure you could shower in the RB. And with how early you get up, hardly anyone will be there anyway.