Monday, February 04, 2008

My One-hundred-and-forty-third Post

So Hamburger and I have been looking at apartments for this summer. And I think I'm in love. We found this place that has huge bedrooms, two bathrooms (for 4 girls), a washer and drier in the apartment, a roomy living room, and--the biggest selling point--a MAGNIFICENT kitchen. I really want to live here. Even if I can only afford to do it for the summer and have to find some crappy cheap place again next fall.

Also, I totally achieved a goal of mine yesterday. That goal was entitled "Taking Back Sunday." My Sundays have recently become cluttered with meetings, rehearsals, appointments, social engagements, and a myriad of other time-sucking activities. Well, yesterday, I was able to do things that I wanted to do and actually rest from the rest of my week. My one meeting was before church, so I was able to come home after church and just relax. I finished my book. I took a nap. I made scalloped potatoes and Italian chicken. It was wonderful.

But somehow, I don't think I can justify doing that every week. There are too many other important things to do, and Sunday is just a good time to do them. It sure was nice, though.


Mean Mommy said...

Washer and Dryer in the apartment...totally worth it.

Hey...I made Italian chicken yesterday too!

Yay for restful days of rest!

Ben said...

Way to take back Sunday!