Tuesday, November 20, 2007

My One-hundred-and-thirty-fifth Post

Since I'm home for a week, I asked my mom to schedule me a dentist appointment. My appointment is an a little less than an hour and I just realized my mom expects me to go by myself. Alone. Without anyone else. What is she, crazy? I can't go alone! There will be waiting rooms and then scary things they will put in my mouth. Plus what if they give me some noxious gas and then I have to drive home, but I'm so loopy I crash and die? Then she'll be sorry she made me go to the dentist alone. Then she'll be sorry.

1 comment:

Genuine Draft said...

I know! My mom made me go by myself the last time I went too, and I cried all the way home and ran a few red lights. Hope you're not dead right this very minute.