Monday, April 06, 2009

My One-hundred-and-eighty-ninth Post

This image was on The Daily Universe's front page this morning. Shortly after I picked one up, they pulled all copies of it from campus. I wonder why.


Mean Mommy said...

I stand by my interpretation that the caption is correct. Just wrong picture. The caption was from the conference of Melissa's Church.

Strawboat said...

You got a copy...I'm oober jealous...I only have a picture. Why did I recycle today? WHY?!?!

bonbon said...

how did that get through all the editing. I mean, seriously. Is is that hard to find? I'm kind of disappointed in the Daily Universe. Oh wait, you would have to hope for something to be good to be disappointed by it, so I guess I'm not disappointed at all...

Heather said...

"how did that get through all the editing. I mean, seriously. Is is that hard to find?"

No, Bonbon, is is not. They just didn't proofread. ;)