Thursday, November 20, 2008

My One-hundred-and-seventy-seventh Post

Guys, I finished both of the books I bought last week. And they both fulfilled my expectations. The Confessions of Fitzwilliam Darcy was pretty bad, but not as terrible as it might have been: the only time I actually had to laugh out loud was when Mr. Bingley "playfully punched" Mr. Darcy on the arm. I give it a D+. Stardust was good. Left plenty of little loose ends (possibly resolved in Neil Gaiman's other novels??), but nothing to keep me from enjoying the story. A solid B+.

But really this post is to show you the preview for the new movie based on another of Neil Gaiman's books, Coraline.

See it here:


Mean Mommy said...

Interesting show. Hmmm.

Strawboat said...

:D Yay for finishing books! Ok Holly, I will take you up on you're offer, but I must make myself finish my other books first alrighty? READ JAMES HERRIOT. Oh my goodness it is hilarious...if you like dry british sarcastic odd least that's the best way I can describe him. :D