Monday, August 14, 2006

My Thirty-sixth Post

Man. I started this post on Monday, but I never finished it. Now I want to blog about something else, but I feel obligated to post this first since it's been waiting so patiently. *Sigh.* Fine.

So yesterday was the social highlight of the summer for me. Not because anything particularly exciting happened, just because I actually went to and participated in things. I gave a talk in Sacrament meeting, so a lot of people talked to me who normally wouldn't have. At one point, I wandered over to my roommate who was talking to some people, and one of them said something to me. I hadn't really been listening to what they were saying, so I just smiled and nodded politely. When I got home from church, I started poking around in the kitchen trying to figure out what to make for dinner, when my roommate, C, reminded me that we were going to have dinner with the people she'd been talking to. I was surprised, but I went along anyway, seeing as how I didn't have anythign better to do. It was way fun, and I talked to several people in my ward that I'd never met before (this is not that uncommon, since I'm a social recluse and never talk to anyone).

C and I had also signed up for interviews with the Relief Society presidency that evening, so we went and did that after the dinner.

We were on our way home when my visiting teaching supervisor stopped and asked me if I'd done my VT yet. I was a little surprised, seeing as how we aren't even halfway through August yet. She explained that, because of the end of the term, the Stake wanted all of the VT done by that evening. My companion has been out of town for a while, so I asked C to go with me, and I dashed off to make an appointment. I only have one girl right now (the other one got married recently), and I had never visited with her because I was only recently assigned to her. She was way awesome and I really enjoyed chatting with her. She even forgave me for my impromptu lesson.

When we left her apartment, we walked smack into dessert night, so we hung around and visited (instead of my typical reaction, which would be to run and hide as quickly as possible). I finally went back to my apartment, only to be invited to play cards by the girls up stairs. So I went and played.

Now this may not sound all that exciting for any of you, but for me, this was exceptionally social behavior. Wahoo!


Rachel Helps said...
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Rachel Helps said...

Congratulations on being social!

[And congratulations to me for using the right preposition.]