Wednesday, August 09, 2006

My Thirty-fifth Post

So, it's 5:15 am, and surprise, surprise, I'm NOT complaining about having to get up early for work. Actually, I haven't even been to sleep yet. I suppose I'm tired, but it's not that "my-eyelids-are-so-heavy-I-don't-think-I-can-hold-them-up-for-one- more-second" tired. It's more like that "I-thought-it-was-only-two-am-but-when-I-looked-at-the-clock-it-was- already-five" tired. Which basically means that although I probably should not be making any life altering decisions right now, I feel like I can. Which is probably a bad thing. What is it they say about how having very little sleep is almost as bad as being drunk? I can never remember, but I'm sure I could prove that statement right now. Bring on the sobriety tests; I'm drunk as a loon.

Oookay. No more blogging while I'm "drunk." In case anyone was interested, I stayed up all night in order to watch the entire first season of Veronica Mars. I got it in the mail on Monday night after work (probably around 10 pm), and since then I have watched it in its entirety. Which means in the last 31 hours, I have watched 22 hour-long episodes of this show. And I've worked for about 7 of those hours. So that leaves... 3 hours of sleep since I woke up 48 hours ago (Monday morning). Smart. Very smart. But what else is summer for?

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