Wednesday, August 16, 2006

My Thirty-seventh Post

Life will be good soon. I know it will. But right now, I'm just flanked on all sides by guilt for all the things I know I should be doing that aren't getting done. And it's about to hit the fan. If I don't do everything by tomorrow, things are just going to suck. So I guess that leaves me with one obvious choice: start working.

You know, I do this to myself all the time. I commit to doing something, and then I put it off time and time again. Then, when it finally comes down to the line, I give in and get to work. If I would just buckle down and do it right at first, I wouldn't have this enormous burden of guilt and self loathing. Hopefully I will be able to recognize these situations before I actually become ensnared once more. Gotta have faith in the future, right?

1 comment:

Rachel Helps said...

that sounds unpleasant...