Friday, November 18, 2011

Lowbrow blogging. You know, for kids.

I'm not actually a huge Twilight fan, but I like the books and movies well enough. It's just the uber!crazy fans that worry me somewhat on occasion.

And really, I've never understood the Team Edward vs Team Jacob mentality. I mean, who are these people on Team Jacob? Why would you CHOSE to be on the losing team? Are they just saying that if they had to chose, they would likely choose Jacob over Edward?

Well guess what, Jacobians. You are not the central character in the middle of that particular love triangle. Her name is Bella Swan. She may be silly, but she still gets to chose her romantic partners. You do not get a choice. She does. Understood? Bella chooses Edward, and it was pretty obvious from the beginning that she was going to. PAINFULLY OBVIOUS.

It's like when sports fans watch a game where they know their favored team has no chance what-so-ever of winning, but they still cheer for them like it will make a difference. YOU are not playing. Nothing you do will affect the outcome. At some point your loyalty may have been earned, but there comes a time where it becomes foolish. Cut your losses and seek out greener pastures.

It baffles me.

Whenever I think about my blog anymore, I always whine to myself about how I never have anything I want to say. So I have forced myself to take a terse and flippant status message and turn it into a terse and flippant blog post. You are welcome, internet.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Frittering away.

I realize it has been ages since I blogged. I apologize to all three of my readers. However, I feel like I haven't had much to say lately.

But, I suppose I have to end the lack of blogging eventually. So here are a few things in my life:

  • I am turning 25 next week which kind of terrifies me. Being 25 will greatly reduce my ability to pretend I'm still in my early twenties and still allowed to be "figuring things out."
  • I got a jury summons in the mail a few days ago. I am not really looking forward to it, but it probably won't be as bad as I imagine it will be. Also, not wanting to get jury duty is one of the reasons I've never registered to vote. (Feel free to judge me. I judge myself for this.) I guess that's not really a valid reason anymore. Especially since I didn't allow the possibility of jury duty to prevent me from getting my driver's license. Oh well.
  • I went shopping with some of the money from my tip jar yesterday. For the longest time I wasn't spending any of that money at all because I was saving for a Kitchenaid mixer. But once I surpassed that goal, I felt like I could start spending a bit here or there to tip the pizza guy or do something fun that wasn't in my budget. Yesterday I managed to spend $80 worth of tip money that I had brought 'just in case.' But it was fun. Martin and I drove an hour and a half to meet our eldest sister at the city halfway between us. We saw Cowboys and Aliens and got lunch and I bought a couple new shirts that I really like even though I thought they were too expensive.
  • Martin and I keep our 72-hour-kits along with a few gallons of water on one of the shelves in our pantry. This morning we discovered that 3 of the 4 gallons had sprung leaks (probably a few days ago) and soaked down into a box of my cookbooks and random recipe papers I'd stashed there (with the idea that I would eventually type the up and keep them forever). Now I'm too sad. Plus, how annoying is it that THREE OF FOUR gallons randomly started leaking without any discernible reason. The only good news was that I had waterproofed everything in the kits, so none of that was ruined.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Blogging From My Phone

So I have recently acquired a fancy new phone. (Don't judge, it was totally in the budget.) I am currently writing this post with my phone on the super-useful slide out keyboard. It is that awesome.

Along with my fancy phone, I also aquired a fancy new phone number. I had a few reasons for doing this, but mostly I just wanted to. Please do not be offended if I have not personally contacted you to notify you of my nw number. I didn't even give it to my dad. If you want it, ask. And then I will decide if you are worthy of it on a case-by-case basis. (Kidding!) (Mostly.)

The only only problem with my new number is that it seems like the previous owner of it is still using it / giving it out to service techs and collection agencies. I get at least 3 calls a week for Sergio and often they are from people telling me they will be showing up in the next 15 minutes to install my new cable box. Or telling me I owe them a lot of money.

Stupid Sergio.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Tips for a Happy Life

So the place where I work has a tip jar. A lot of people just drop in their change, and a few regulars sometimes throw in a little more. At the end of each shift, we split it up and everybody usually ends up with a dollar or two and large handful of change. Which I take home and put in a jar.

I kind of thought it would be cool to just keep the money in there forever and see how much I could collect. But, um... it was getting really full. And there is really no point in that kind of "saving," is there?

No, I didn't think so.

So last night I took it to the grocery store and turned all the coins into an amazon gift card worth almost $50. (If you use a CoinStar machine to get cash, they'll charge you a 10% fee. But if you are willing to accept a gift certificate instead of cash, there's no fee.)

So this is what I got with my tips:

The Ender's Shadow Series Box Set AND the Ender Quartet Box Set. Plus, I still have like $40 in one dollar bills. Any suggestions on how to spend it?