Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How To Install Your Garage Door With Confidence.

Found sticking out of the VCR in the guest room at my parent's house.

It's not as bizarre as one might initially assume, since my dad has been building a garage for the last 10 years (...and has only recently gotten around to installing a garage door). But the title of the video just makes me giggle.

It sounds like an overly specific self-help video. Like "How to Make Friends While Trimming Your Mustache" or "Overcoming Self-Defeating Behavior While Living In Madison, Wisconsin."


bonbon said...

hahahaha! I love it!

Mean Mommy said...

There was a garage door? Huh. I must have missed that. Not like I haven't repressed looking at the garage or anything...

No wait...I did notice that Mom's Jag was in there.