Sunday, July 25, 2010

In which we build a thing.

Martin and I did a lot of furniture shopping when we first moved into this house, but we never really got around to doing anything with the big living/dining room area. Last week Martin broke down and bought a coffee table and a console table that she'd been eying for a while. The new tables made the seating area a little less bare, but also made the big empty space opposite the couch seem even more empty. So we made the trek to IKEA on Friday and bought the most giant bookshelf we could find.

I was teasing Martin that she would never be able to put it together by herself, and she needed to be nice to me so I'd help. At which point she decided she would put it together on her own. (Actually I think this was because I told her I would buy her Eureka Season 3 if she did it on her own. And then I called her a "tiny little woman" and laughed at her).

So Saturday morning I went to the kitchen to make donut-muffins. She went to the living room to build a shelf. For about twenty minutes all I could hear was ripping cardboard noises and wood clanking together.

Aaaand... then she gave up and we finished the shelf together while my muffins baked. But it looked so empty, and we were super tired. So we just shoved whatever we had on hand into the little cubbys.
Cute, no?We did leave some empty ones on the bottom for Humphry. He likes to sit on shelves, especially black ones so he can be a chameleon. And if there is stuff in the way, he is not shy about making room by pushing stuff onto the floor.
The end.


Mean Mommy said...

Ooh! Nicey nice!

I should print out a copy of the picture and make an I Spy for Karen... "Where are all the candles, Karen?"

bonbon said...

I have to start buying furniture too! I think IKEA is the big trend, but I might be a little too cheap for that...