Monday, October 12, 2009

My One-hundred-and-ninety-sixth Post

Many food blogs have recipes recommendations at the bottom of their posts. These can be similar food items, complimentary menu ideas, or sometimes throw backs (recipes that were featured on the same day in years pasts, for example). I like this concept, because it gives me pointed direction into the archives of a site that might otherwise be overwhelming.

Our Best Bites is one of my favorite food blogs. I frequent a lot of these types of blogs, but this one just speaks to me. The thing is, I can't figure out for the life of me how they determine their end-of-post recommendations. I was looking at a recipe for breadsticks today, and this was at the end:

Um, this cracks me up. None of these recipes is logically connected to breadsticks: they're not bread recipes, general baking recipes, Italian recipes, or even basic side dish recipes. So, I might like these suggestions based on... what criteria, exactly? That I appear to be a carbon-based lifeform that likes food? "Mangoes" isn't even a recipe! It's an ingredient!

The widget the site is using is LinkWithin, which claims it will help you "link to related stories from your blog archive." Methinks it still needs some work, though

1 comment:

Strawboat said...

hey...God makes mango's ALL the time. It's got to be a recipe!