Tuesday, October 06, 2009

My One-hundred-and-ninety-fourth Post

So the clock on my computer likes to do this weird thing. It kind of just keeps adding new numbers on top of the old ones instead of replacing them. Like this:

Isn't that amusing? I think that deserves a blog post all by itself.

I'm to lazy to look it up / fix my clock most of the time, so I often don't know what time it is while I'm on my computer. It's easiest just to ask someone else. I've recently started asking who ever I'm chatting with about the time. Most people just tell me, but some people are mean about it. People like my sister Martin.

Martin: Get a watch.
Me: :| But I have a computer, which is awesomer.
Martin: But apparently can't tell you the time.
Me: Did I :| you yet?
Martin: Yes?
Me: I don't think I did.
Me: :|


Martin said...

That conversation took place after I told you the time. I'm not mean. Although, I did give you real time, and not your fake daylight savings time.

Michael said...


bonbon said...

holly welcome back to your blog. you haven't posted for a while and i missed you.