Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My One-hundred-and-sixty-first Post

Last Friday we took my nieces and nephew miniture golfing and then to McDonalds for lunch. They were very excited and began chanting "Happy Meals!" for a bit. After a while it morphed into "Happy Nuggets!" (because the Happy Meals we had ordered were of the chicken nugget variety). When they realized that we weren't going to stay and eat at the restaurant, though, it suddenly changed to "Sad Nuggets." They repeated this phrase about a billion times on the drive home.

A few days later, my nephew tripped and fell (as most young children are prone to do from time to time). He landed on his posterior and immedietly excalimed: "BUTT! Owwie Nuggets!"



1 comment:

Mean Mommy said...


Double Blog-worthy.