Friday, January 11, 2008

My One-hundred-and-thirty-eighth Post

What’s wrong with the world (Installment 1): Twins

Twins are evil. Especially when you know Twin A but don’t even know that Twin B exists.

That can cause all sorts of confusion when you see Twin B and wave enthusiastically, but Twin B refuses to acknowledge you.

Then, when you sit by him and start talk to him, he turns to you and says “Do you know my brother, Twin A?” You immediately feel silly, even though there’s really no way you could have known that you were talking to a complete stranger.

So I'm sure you'll agree that the world would be a better place without twins. I mean--really--who likes to feel silly all the time?

(PS- I suppose this applies to identical siblings of any denomination, not just twins. Also, clones.)

1 comment:

Mean Mommy said...

That's some awesome artwork. Twins can't be all bad if the concept inspires such brilliance.