Tuesday, March 07, 2006

My Thirteenth Post

Once upon a time there was a very lazy girl. She always put off things that she was supposed to do until the last minute. I've never seen such an advanced case of procrastination. Sometimes she didn't finish her tasks, but most of the time she did. Her work was seldom "top notch," but it was satisfactory for the most part, so she didn't let it bother her. She knew she had a problem, but she didn't do anything about it. Life was fine. Until one day, all that changed....

I don't know what happens next. It is unlikely that our heroine will change her ways without some sort of motivation, but I don't know where her motivation will come from. Will it be a good cause? Or a selfish one? Or will the change be forced upon her? In any case, I hope she finds her happily ever after soon. It's got to be stressful living from deadline to deadline, constantly feeling guilty about all the things she should be doing. Plus, one of these days, she's going to mess up big time. I'd hate to be around when that happens.

1 comment:

Mean Mommy said...

Hey...what are you doing writing pseudo-fictional stories about me?